These flowers come in a wide variety of colors. You can create your bouquet with white, pink, rose, red, coral, deep purple, mahoganym or bright yellow. Most bouquets are mixed with roses and greenery. Peonies are very popular and usually available in the spring and summer seasons. Peonies bloom starting in April and through the months of May and June.

Spring Inspiration:
Blush + Dusty Rose

Various tones of orchids may range from a grayish purple, to purplish-pink, to strong reddish purple. Athough, a nice clean white is both refreshing and beautiful also! These flowers are available all year around! They hold up best in mild temperatures and out of direct sunlight. They are most commonly paired with roses and greenery.

Spring Inspiration:
Mauve + Dusty Rose

Tulips require a winter chill, and a lot of sunlight. Tulips come in a wide variety of colors and sizes. You can typically get these flowers from Marchthrough May. Tulips are most commonly mixed with baby breath, peonies, garden roses, and anemones, but they are also beautiful all by themselves.

Spring Inspiration:
Dusty Blue + Green

These flowers come in beautiful shades of white, cream, pink, blue, green and purple. These are most popularly mixed with roses, peonies, greenery, and different colors of hydrangeas. Hydrandeas are most commonly used in spring weddings, but are used in fall and winter weddings too. Talk about an all-around favorite!

Spring Inspiration:
Mint + Gold